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HC Technical Consulting and Contracting Services Ltd provide industrial coating inspections and contracted works for clients across the South East of England ranging from small scale pump repairs and coatings to large scale industrial coating applications on structural steelworks. Some examples of our most recent projects can be viewed in the Projects section of this website. We are an approved contractor for companies such as Belzona Polymerics Ltd, National Grid and Cemex. Our owner, Hannah Cox is also an independent industrial coatings consultant specialising in secondary containment issues and a ICORR Level 3 certified coatings inspector. Hannah recently became an assessor for candidates hoping to achieve their ICORR coating inspection qualifications. Our repair and maintenance solutions provide a long lasting and incredibly hard wearing alternative to traditional repair methods such as welding and metal flame spraying whilst the range of industrial coating solutions we offer are ideal for all types of situations ranging from high temperature control vessels to bunded areas containing aggressive chemicals. We are often called in where all other methods of repair have failed or cannot be used.
In addition we provide on-site application and awareness training for maintenance and repair teams, deliver the SSPC Train The Painter Scheme and provide material / repair specifications and ongoing support for projects such as stonework repairs to large buildings and repairs to high risk vessels.